Reframing the Wilderness If your email is anything like mine, it is full of companies sending you offers for their products, and every once in a while, a Nigerian...
Worship as Work When you read the Bible, you’ll meet a lot of people God used who didn’t have “Christian” jobs. Nehemiah was a city planner and...
This Weekend at Together Church! (1.30.22) Good evening Together Church! We are in store for an exciting weekend! Here are a few things happening this Sunday… This weekend will...
What do you do when you feel overwhelmed? This is an awesome time of year. But it also drives people crazy. On one hand, you have cooler weather, football season (Go Gamecocks!),...
Halloween on Mission Live on mission this Halloween. Halloween is a great time to get together with friends and family, but it is also a fun night to connect...
Finding Unity Among Division Remember when we said 2021 could not come fast enough? We rang in the new year with hopes that life would soon return to normal. Here we...
21 Ways to Get Involved at Together Church Are you looking for some ways to get more involved at Together? Well, here’s a list of some out of the ordinary things you could do but...
Join a Together Group! I know joining a Together Group is a big jump. There are a lot of reasons you shouldn’t do it. Heck, I’ve made some of these same...
SUMMER BUCKET LIST Hey, it’s Pastor Robbie. I hope you’re excited about a great summer and maybe have a weekend getaway or family vacation planned. I...